2025 Bike Master Plan Vote

2025 Bike Master Plan Vote
The City of Falls Church Bike Master Plan approval decision is coming up! Below is the schedule of meetings. Please consider joining at least one live or virtually to speak in support of the plan and the important next step of implementing it. ARLNow said Finding consensus on Falls Church bike plan could be uphill climb but what they don't know is that thanks to Bike Falls Church members and others across the region who support safer streets and friendlier places, we're all riding e-bikes. Uphill climbs won't slow us down!
The original Bike Master Plan was approved in 2015 and guided improvements to the W&OD trail in 2021, Capital Bikeshare rollout in 2019, and bike lane creation on Hillwood Ave, N Roosevelt Blvd, and S Maple Ave in 2016-17. The 2025 is a refresh of this plan to re-invigorate action on the next priority routes (connection to the secondary school campus and N/S West St) and on the education and encouragement efforts needed to become a Bike Friendly Community. Bike Falls Church helped shape the creation of this plan over the past several years and encourages Council to adopt it in January 2025.
If you haven't spoken at Council before, this is a great first time! Arrive 5 minutes early and look for a speaker slip to fill and drop off with the Clerk. We don't need technical or nuanced verbal comments, just your support for biking in the City and why it matters to you. In most cases you could be out of there 30 minutes after arriving. It's a rewarding 30 minutes and very easy. It's OK if you don't live in the City proper - if you spend money or drive here, City leaders want to hear from you.
Below is a simple email comment you can send in addition to, or in lieu of, coming in person. Feel free to tailor as you'd like!
You can share our blog with anyone you think might be interested. They can "Get Updates" by leaving their name and email address at bikefallschurch.org and clicking "Get Updates".
CACT: Tue 1/14, 7:30pm, Senior Center in the Community Center, AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING
Planning: Wed 1/15, 7:30pm, Council Chambers at City Hall Planning Commission | Falls Church, VA - Official Website
Council: Mon 1/27, 7:30pm, Council Chambers at City Hall City Council Agendas, Minutes, and Videos | Falls Church, VA - Official Website
Here's the draft plan: City of Falls Church, Virginia Bicycle Master Plan
DRAFT NOTE. Don't forget to add your story at the top and sign with your name and address at the bottom.
City Clerk <CityClerk@fallschurchva.gov>, City-council <City-council@fallschurchva.gov>, koddenino@fallschurchva.govbikefallschurch@gmail.com
Written Comment on the Bike Master Plan
Dear City Council,
The 2025 Bike Master Plan has come together nicely. Please vote in favor of it. I'm happy to see the reinvigorated ownership and support for biking in and around the City that this plan represents.
Writing the plan was the easy part. Please do your parts to ensure the City delivers on the plan. Please fund the Plan and ensure staffing in the Workplan. Specifically, please fund fiscally responsible road maintenance (repaving catch-up), the three priority bike routes, and the $15,000 recommended for bike education. Among the priority routes, the Route to School should be the top priority, completed ASAP (in sections if needed). 
Thank you for all your support of this plan and your enthusiasm to make Falls Church a place where transportation can be nearly free, on-demand, safe, and emissions-free for people of all ages and abilities. And thank you to everyone on City Staff who has made this plan possible!