Status of the Draft 2024 Bike Master Plan

Published by Andrew Olesen on
In 2023, the City kicked off a refresh of the Bicycle Master Plan approved in 2015. This post provides the historical context for the update, the elements that have been ... Read More

Are Falls Church Roads Safe? What The Facts Say and What We Can Do

Published by Andrew Olesen on
As many of you might have noticed, our local roads have been feeling a bit more chaotic lately. In fact, 2023 turned out to be quite a rough year for us in terms of traffic injuries. Here’s a quick look at what’s happening and some thoughts on how we can make our streets safer.</... Read More

Rethinking Intersections on the W&OD Trail in Falls Church

Published by Andrew Olesen on
The Washington & Old Dominion (W&OD) Trail, a beloved pathway in Northern Virginia, offers a scenic escape for cyclists, runners, and pedestrians. However, its road crossings, particularly in the City of Falls Church, are governed by an array of stop signs that may be doing more harm... Read More

W&OD Trail Safety: Why are we making bikes stop?

Published by Andrew Olesen on
Crossing the bike trail
Update: NOVA Parks has removed the illegal stop signs at the signalized crossing of N West Street. In summer 2023 the City of Falls Church and NOVA Parks began evaluating the possibility of adding stop signs for cars on "low volume" roads that cross the W&OD, consistent ... Read More